The Eating Course - an online self-help program for adults struggling with disordered eating.
The Eating Course is an online self-help program to help adults who are wanting to address and heal their relationship with food and weight. It teaches an approach to eating so that you will experience less binging, overeating, emotional eating, disordered eating, weight fluctuations and food obsession, and enjoy greater health and food freedom.
In a time where there are SO many different ideas and opinions on how to eat, it is no wonder people are confused! I have been working as an eating disorder counsellor for over a decade, and time and time again I’ve had clients come to me after having tried everything to “fix” their relationship with food and weight. I’ve taken the most helpful aspects of effective and well researched therapies and approaches — and combined them all into a single course! The Eating Course goes through what I would normally cover with clients in their first 8 - 12 sessions.
The Eating Course is a pre-recorded online self-help counselling program. This convenient option allows you to work though it at your own pace, right from where you are!
The Eating Course
Join now for only $495 *If you have extended benefits then some of your course fee might be covered. Please contact me to discuss this option*.
Ready to sign up? Email [email protected] or fill out the Contact Form
So many people feel stuck and frustrated in their food and weight struggle, and it’s also a struggle that can feel quite despairing and lonely. If you’ve been looking for support in this area then this course is for you! I created it to help adults who want to address and heal their relationship with food and weight. It teaches an approach to eating so that you will experience less binging, overeating, emotional eating, disordered eating, weight fluctuations and food obsession, and enjoy greater health and food freedom.
Here’s my official bio:
Morgan van Vliet has worked in the counselling field for over 10 years, and has specialized in the area of eating disorders and weight struggles for the duration of that time. She has a Masters Degree in Counselling and, in addition to being trained in a number of different counselling modalities, she has a certification in Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders, and is also a certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor.
She resides in Vancouver, Canada with her family where she enjoys the outdoors (preferably when not raining!), reading, swimming, drinking coffee, and hosting dinner parties.
WHY The Eating Course?
The number of diets, plans, and programs out there is overwhelming, and often people are left worse off than when they started. By ‘worse off’, they don’t trust themselves around food anymore, they feel out of control around food, their weight may be at an all time high, they may be engaging in some eating disordered behaviours, and the amount of “mental real estate” that thoughts of food and weight take up is distressing, just to name a few. I created The Eating Course in response to the overwhelming amount of (mis)information out there, as well as to empower people to finally experience change and breakthrough in the area of their food and weight struggles.
If you want to learn a better way of relating to food, be sure to sign up for The Eating Course.
Join now for only $495 *If you have extended benefits then some of your course fee might be covered. Please contact me to discuss this option*.
HOW to get started:
Signing up for The Eating Course is easy! Simply email [email protected] or fill out my Contact Form. Once you have submitted payment ($495) I will email you a link to the modules and you can begin!
“WHAT does The Eating Course include?”
When you join The Eating Course, you get:
Question: How is this approach any different than the other things I’ve tried?
Answer: Great question! My goal in creating The Eating Course was to develop a unique self-help program that combines the best therapies and approaches for eating issues into a single course. The program gives you the proper foundation to really understand what is going on with your food and weight struggles (while other approaches might have just jumped to trying to “fix” them). Then, the course goes through a process of helping you rebuild trust in yourself so that you discover and re-learn the best way to eat for YOU.
Question: Will I lose weight while taking The Eating Course?
Answer: It’s hard to know how your weight will respond to the changes that will take place while enrolled in The Eating Course. While other approaches may have made weight loss the main goal (which often backfires — at least long term), The Eating Course is about healing your relationship with food. For many people that might result in weight loss, while for others it might not. What The Eating Course will give you is the knowledge (Eating Education Phase: Modules 1-3), the insights (Eating Exploration Phase: Modules 4-7) and the tools (Eating Empowerment Phase: Modules 8-12) to experience both a mindset shift as well as many positive physical changes.
Question: Can you give some examples of the lessons and exercises included in The Eating Course?
Answer: Sure! We go through a number of exercises within the different modules. Some of my favourites are:
Disordered Eating Cycle: Exercise that helps create your personalized eating cycle to see what is keeping your food and weight struggles going.
Values Work: Exercise to identify the values/areas of life that are presently most important to you and then create a plan to enhance meaning to your life.
Food Enjoyment: Guidance to discover the foods you like (and dislike!).
Emotions Exercise: To identify how you feel and how to engage with and manage your feelings.
Question: What sort of support is offered in The Eating Course?
Answer: Included in your course fee is one individual counselling session with me. There is also the option to book in for more counselling sessions if you find that support helpful.
Question: How do I join?
Answer: If you’re ready to join The Eating Course then send me an email or fill out my Contact Form. I look forward to working with you!
For all other questions please email me at [email protected]
The Eating Course is an online self-help program to help adults who are wanting to address and heal their relationship with food and weight. It teaches an approach to eating so that you will experience less binging, overeating, emotional eating, disordered eating, weight fluctuations and food obsession, and enjoy greater health and food freedom.
In a time where there are SO many different ideas and opinions on how to eat, it is no wonder people are confused! I have been working as an eating disorder counsellor for over a decade, and time and time again I’ve had clients come to me after having tried everything to “fix” their relationship with food and weight. I’ve taken the most helpful aspects of effective and well researched therapies and approaches — and combined them all into a single course! The Eating Course goes through what I would normally cover with clients in their first 8 - 12 sessions.
The Eating Course is a pre-recorded online self-help counselling program. This convenient option allows you to work though it at your own pace, right from where you are!
The Eating Course
Join now for only $495 *If you have extended benefits then some of your course fee might be covered. Please contact me to discuss this option*.
Ready to sign up? Email [email protected] or fill out the Contact Form
So many people feel stuck and frustrated in their food and weight struggle, and it’s also a struggle that can feel quite despairing and lonely. If you’ve been looking for support in this area then this course is for you! I created it to help adults who want to address and heal their relationship with food and weight. It teaches an approach to eating so that you will experience less binging, overeating, emotional eating, disordered eating, weight fluctuations and food obsession, and enjoy greater health and food freedom.
Here’s my official bio:
Morgan van Vliet has worked in the counselling field for over 10 years, and has specialized in the area of eating disorders and weight struggles for the duration of that time. She has a Masters Degree in Counselling and, in addition to being trained in a number of different counselling modalities, she has a certification in Enhanced Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders, and is also a certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor.
She resides in Vancouver, Canada with her family where she enjoys the outdoors (preferably when not raining!), reading, swimming, drinking coffee, and hosting dinner parties.
WHY The Eating Course?
The number of diets, plans, and programs out there is overwhelming, and often people are left worse off than when they started. By ‘worse off’, they don’t trust themselves around food anymore, they feel out of control around food, their weight may be at an all time high, they may be engaging in some eating disordered behaviours, and the amount of “mental real estate” that thoughts of food and weight take up is distressing, just to name a few. I created The Eating Course in response to the overwhelming amount of (mis)information out there, as well as to empower people to finally experience change and breakthrough in the area of their food and weight struggles.
If you want to learn a better way of relating to food, be sure to sign up for The Eating Course.
Join now for only $495 *If you have extended benefits then some of your course fee might be covered. Please contact me to discuss this option*.
HOW to get started:
Signing up for The Eating Course is easy! Simply email [email protected] or fill out my Contact Form. Once you have submitted payment ($495) I will email you a link to the modules and you can begin!
“WHAT does The Eating Course include?”
When you join The Eating Course, you get:
- Life-time access to the course. That way you can rewatch and listen as many times as you want!
- One individual counselling session with me (either in-person or virtual).
- Pre-recorded video teachings, with handouts/exercises from the 3 phases (12 Modules) of The Eating Course:
- Eating Education Phase (Modules 1-3): Provides education surrounding dieting, weight, eating issues, enhanced cognitive behavioural therapy, intuitive eating, and then invites a commitment to change.
- Eating Exploration Phase (Modules 4-7): Helps you understand what is keeping your eating/weight issues going; introduces the idea of regular eating and how it's helpful; gives instructions and teaching on how to record what you eat and how to best use that information; helps you gain insight into your current self-evaluation and the different values that contribute to who you are.
- Eating Empowerment Phase (Modules 8-12): Empowers you to expand your life to live beyond your food and weight struggles; helps you discover what you really like (and don’t like) to eat; helps identify unhelpful food rules and see the connection between those rules and binging/overeating; teaches you how all foods can be included in a well rounded diet; addresses behaviours and mindsets that are contributing to your eating/weight issues; and helps you learn how to engage with your feelings by finding ways to cope and meet your needs in healthy ways.
- Bonus Weight Module: Module that educates on weight gain and loss, set-point weight, and discusses the hot topic of weight loss medication.
Question: How is this approach any different than the other things I’ve tried?
Answer: Great question! My goal in creating The Eating Course was to develop a unique self-help program that combines the best therapies and approaches for eating issues into a single course. The program gives you the proper foundation to really understand what is going on with your food and weight struggles (while other approaches might have just jumped to trying to “fix” them). Then, the course goes through a process of helping you rebuild trust in yourself so that you discover and re-learn the best way to eat for YOU.
Question: Will I lose weight while taking The Eating Course?
Answer: It’s hard to know how your weight will respond to the changes that will take place while enrolled in The Eating Course. While other approaches may have made weight loss the main goal (which often backfires — at least long term), The Eating Course is about healing your relationship with food. For many people that might result in weight loss, while for others it might not. What The Eating Course will give you is the knowledge (Eating Education Phase: Modules 1-3), the insights (Eating Exploration Phase: Modules 4-7) and the tools (Eating Empowerment Phase: Modules 8-12) to experience both a mindset shift as well as many positive physical changes.
Question: Can you give some examples of the lessons and exercises included in The Eating Course?
Answer: Sure! We go through a number of exercises within the different modules. Some of my favourites are:
Disordered Eating Cycle: Exercise that helps create your personalized eating cycle to see what is keeping your food and weight struggles going.
Values Work: Exercise to identify the values/areas of life that are presently most important to you and then create a plan to enhance meaning to your life.
Food Enjoyment: Guidance to discover the foods you like (and dislike!).
Emotions Exercise: To identify how you feel and how to engage with and manage your feelings.
Question: What sort of support is offered in The Eating Course?
Answer: Included in your course fee is one individual counselling session with me. There is also the option to book in for more counselling sessions if you find that support helpful.
Question: How do I join?
Answer: If you’re ready to join The Eating Course then send me an email or fill out my Contact Form. I look forward to working with you!
For all other questions please email me at [email protected]